The Underscore is a long-form dance improvisation structure developed by Nancy Stark Smith (1952 – 2020)
It’s has been evolving since 1990 and is practiced all over the globe.
The Underscore is a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation into a broader arena of improvisational dance practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space—alone and with others; and for integrating kinaesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising.
It allows for a full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodying a range of forms and changing states.
The practice progresses through a broad range of dynamic states, including long periods of very small, private, and quiet internal activity and other times of higher energy and interactive dancing.
To Participate in the Global Underscore Practice here in Wellington on Sunday 20th it’s essential that dancers are familiar with the Underscore form and structure. You can attend classes and familiarise yourself with the Underscore on Thursdays 10th and 17th June from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the dance studio at Toi Poneke. Here are the details.
The GLOBAL UNDERSCORE (GUS) is a yearly event in which the Underscore is practiced simultaneously for a 4-hour period by people all over the world near the summer solstice (northern hemisphere). In addition, GUS’s expanded mission is: to support Underscore, Contact Improvisation, Contact Quarterly (CQ), and the legacy of Nancy Stark Smith on a global level.
There are currently 29 sites globally participating in the Global Underscore Practice this year.
We dedicate GUS to Nancy Stark Smith (NSS), the creator of the Underscore, who passed on 1 May 2020.